Tapes n Tapes
In 2003 four guys from Minneapolis recorded their first EP. It was self titled and released on their very own label Ibid records the following year. Skip ahead to 2005 the band self releases their first LP and a little while later get picked up by XL Records, who re-release the album in 2006. That's when blogs and pitchfork media come in. You see the band becomes a hit (and proceed to play 18+ shows). The band of course is Tapes n Tapes and I'm going to tell you about their debut EP.
Before I start to actually talk about the record let me tell you how insanely hard it is to get. As soon as I first heard The Loon in July 2006, I began looking for all the Tapes n Tapes music I could get. I soon found out that they had an early EP and I began my search. I checked Ebay, CD baby, Amazon, dozens of record stores, itunes, and record yardsale, and the only place that recognized it as ever existing was the Tapes n Tapes website where of course it was sold out. Clearly the album was out of print, but finally in December I found it on Ebay.
From the opening track, Beach Girls, there a few clear difference between this EP and The Loon especially the amount energy. The Loon is good but besides maybe Jakov's Suit none of the tracks on it come close to the energy in this EP. Another major difference (and downgrade) is how they clearly traded in some of the dirtiness of this record when recorded The Loon. This dirtiness particularly on the guitar adds a huge punch and is also part of the overall energy of this album. But dirtiness and energy aside what really matters are the melodies, and they are awesome. Another key aspect of this EP is that every song is good this is truly all killer/ no filler. At first the second track My Name Is Not Heratio didn't seem all that necessary to me but the more I listen to it the more I like it. It's sort of in the vein of Chelsey's Little Wrists and it rocks. Lastly it should be noted that these songs are much more Insistor than Omaha, but in away that just the energy thing again. This is a really great EP that I would most certainly tell every Tapes n Tapes fan to get. It really is a must have. Also I think it is a fair bit better than The Loon and one of my favorite EP's.
Key Tracks: Beach Girls, 50's Parking, The Lion
Labels: review, tapes n tapes